Collaboration Breakfast
Shell: Tankstelle? – Energieversorger? Innovativer Energiekonzern!
Collaboration Breakfast unseres Advisory Board Mitglieds Britta Posner mit
Volker Holtfrerich: Corporate Relations Manager und Leiter des Shell Büros in Berlin
Breakfast Talk
Freund? Feind? Eine Bilanz nach 6 Monaten neuer Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs mit Kathryn Boyd (Britische Botschaft),
Dr. Kristina Eichhorst (Mercedes Benz) & Bernd Riegert (Deutsche Welle)
INSIGHT COLLABORATION: Noch grün hinter den Ohren oder schon vom alten Eisen?
Die Herausforderungen altersheterogener Teams! Datum: Mittwoch, 27. November 2024 Zeit: 12:15 – 13:30 Uhr MEZ, Online via Zoom Altersheterogene Teams erfolgreich zu führen, ist in Zeiten von Fachkräftemangel eine
Know-How-Generation – erfolgreiches Führen von altersheterogenen Teams Workshop mit Britta Posner & Britta Scholz Dienstag, 10. September 2024 – 9.30 Uhr bis 12 Uhrim Berlin
Collaboration Breakfast mit Dr. Marcel Klinge
Sind wir noch zu retten? – Wie Collaboration hilft, Krisen zu bewältigen
Dienstag, 03. September 2024, 9.00 Uhr
IPA Training Forum: Impactful Storytelling
In this one-hour virtual session we take a deeper look at the neuroscience of storytelling and the success formula for creating a memorable story. Wednesday,

Impactful Storytelling
Storytelling is a fundamental element of Hashtagsuccess across all levels, and it’s a core topic that I am passionate about. Excited to share our “taster”

KEEP THE RUBBER ON THE ROAD Earlier this week I spoke to a colleague who, when asked how the start of his year was going,

ANSE Journal – Collaboration
We are delighted to share our article on collaboration from the ANSE (Association of National Organisations for Supervision in Europe) Journal – Collaboration: Driving force behind

Customer Centricity
One of the topics we’re regularly asked to help with is customer centricity. At first glance, this often appears to be additional work, the purpose

Brexit – Collaboration at Breaking Point
Is Brexit an example of collaboration at breaking point? You can be forgiven for wondering why there needs to be a commentary on the post-BREXIT

How we learn from failure
So how do we learn from failure? This is something everyone experiences, but how we react and recover differs greatly. This is something I thought